On June 4th, there were some changes made to 'Fashion Seasons' in Lady Popular. Now, instead of a maximum of 15 chests for 1,000 keys, you can earn 30 chests for 500 keys.
The bonus chests at the end are now 1,000 keys instead of 2,000 keys.
Put simply, the number of keys has been cut in half and the number of chests has been doubled.
However, the prizes have changed and the overall winnings have decreased (for both free and the premium chests). The cost is still the same, but the rewards are less. 😅
Free total earnings from the new Fashion Season (for me):
Dollars: $168,640 - $357,120
Emeralds: 56 ems - 74 ems
Diamonds: 9 dias - 11 dias
Fashion Points: 1,800 FP - 1,660 FP
Beauty Pageant Energy: 13 energy - 21 energy
Fashion Arena Energy: 8 energy - 16 energy
Interior Designer Talent (1 day)
Lucky Lady Talent (1 day)
Charisma Talent (1 day)
Max FA Energy + 10 and Max BP Energy + 10 (1 day)
2 "Mystery Items"
Extra Wheel Spin
Each bonus chest:
17,360-37,200 dollars, 2-3 emeralds, and 60-140 fashion points
To calculate the scale I added together all the minimum values you could get and the maximum values you could get.
You can see a video from Lady Popular Tips and Tricks (Shakira) here, she shows all of the chests (both free and premium) being opened.