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Teleports are one of the events in Lady Popular.

There are many different places to teleport to, and in each room you can earn different rewards by uncovering tiles.

On the website and on the app are similar.



Scroll down or click the button below for tips on how to play the event well, not just the basic tutorial on where to find parts of the event.

Something to Note: On 2024-11-25 15:03:00, Lady Popular revamped part of the teleport event. However, the gameplay and tricks are the same so I am leaving the majority of this page as is for now.


Please note that as of now, you can stack tries up to three and that you can now preview items before entering the room and while in the room.

Read more here.

New view with stacking to three tries.

Previewing of items.

On The Website

To get to events (and teleports), hover over the far-right icon on the top of your screen:


Getting to Teleport Event

(I have currently completed one + gotten some items, but you will start out with all 0's)

When we look at the events, we can see that we currently have an event teleport called "Monstresses." Cool!



This is what it looks like when

you open the event:

Entering Teleport

You can section a destination to enter it.

When you first join / when it resets daily you

will be able to travel for free!




When we enter a room, we are greeted with a board that is a 10 x 10 (100 tiles)


That may seem large, but not to worry!

You have this key at the bottom:

Teleport Key

Here is what it looks like when

you are in progress:

In Progress Teleport

Click on the image to magnify + read more

Details are explained in the image!

Every 20 minutes you can open a

square with an emerald.

Red = Won't be an item

Green = Will be an item somewhere near here


X and ? Boxes

This trick works for both the website and online.

Make a box around the X's and the ?'s, around an X is no item, around a ? is potentially an item, which exact tile will have to be figured out!.

Choosing next move

​We need to decide our next move....

Still stuck on how I knew?

Scroll down or click here for

"Horsey's In-Depth Teleport School"


Curious to see if I was right?

Correct on Teleport

I was! Look at me go.

Finished teleport

Here is what it looks like

when you finish the room

and get the reward:

(rewards will differ)

It'll take practice to get better and better,

but I believe in you!


If you have questions, or want help figuring out next moves, message me in game! Bonus points if you include a screenshot so I can point out what I see. :D

(HorseyHeather on international version)

Telepot Teaching

Horsey's "In-Depth Teleport School"

So you're playing your teleport event. You understand the basics, but you cannot seem to find that one item! Horsey is here to help!

[1] The "Rule of Frames"

First Tip: The "Rule of Frames"

You see X's and ?'s on your board,

but what do they mean?

Make a 3 x 3 box, or a frame, around the ?'s and X's

with the ? or X in the middle.

(see the image below)


If it's an X, there won't be an item there.

If it's a ?, there must be an item somewhere within that box (narrow it down by looking at the X's).


Sometimes it'll be pure guesswork! However, you can usually still narrow it down.

X and ? Boxes

Red = Won't be an item

Green = Will be an item somewhere near here


Second Tip: The "Biggest Chance"

You cannot narrow it down exactly,

what are you supposed to do?!

After setting up all your frames, oh no!

It's between two different places!


Try to look for "overlaps" of chance. Places where the frames of more than one ? overlap. See below.


The image below comes from when I was helping someone else "live" find their items!

Red = No item at all

Yellow = an item within the frame

Green = Probably an item, but

in this case not 100% certain

(it was an item when they flipped the tile fyi ðŸ˜‰)

teleport school 1.png

Third Tip: Using The First Tip Well

You've read this all, but you're still so confused...

View below for an image (of me helping the same person) where I "framed" out everything in the board. Same as usual;

Red = No item

Yellow = Item within the frame

Green = Probable item


When helping someone else I will usually box out the process, like below, to show the way I think about it.

This way they can learn themselves too!

teleport school 3.png

Here is an example of the different frames highlighted to show it fully.

Red = no item, yellow = item

in the frame, green = item.

teleport school 2.jpg

Fourth Tip: Process of Elimination

This is basically adding onto the third tip.

View the image. See the notes below.

  • See the question mark boxed and highlighted in yellow.

    • There must be an item somewhere within the 8 tiles around this ?

  • See the red boxes.

    • There cannot be an item in the 8 tiles around these X's across the board.​

Now that we know where an item needs to be (yellow frame) and where it cannot be (red boxes) the only possible tile is the one marked in green.

teleport school elimination tip.png

Another example:

teleport tip.png

- but don't just take my word for it.

Here are the thoughts from some other players

in the game. I got their permission

before sharing their comments here!

While it won't always be 100%, I wouldn't share these tips or "mark boxes with green" if it wasn't credible.

from cinzia.png
from cinzia 2.png
from cinzia 2.png

Here you are Cinzia! 😂

Website By Lady HorseyHeather

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