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Clubs! They make the game more fun as you can join a group of people and work together!


I myself am president of club "The Hydras" but there are many different clubs you can join. You can also create your own!

Table of Contents:

Here is a video with lots of tips from my friend:

To go to your club, on PC you will click the "heads" icon at the top-right if you are on the website, or you will go to the map and click on the "Club" building. If you are on mobile, you go to the map, scroll to the right and click on the club buliding.

Places Bar

The Club Page

Let us break down the parts of the club page.

This section is for PC players.

club page pc.png

Club Info

If you click on the top right "i" button, you can view the "Club info."

i club icon.png

In the club info, you can view the members (and how many open spots you have, as shown by the dots under "Members:"), when your club was created, your club's level, the average level of your club members, your club fights (attacks, defenses, wins, loses), the amount of tomatoes and eggs you've used as a club, and trophies (most owned at a time, stolen, and lost).

club info.png

Club Skills

Club skills are your club's hospitality, elegance, creativity, confidence, grace, kindness, and loyalty.

Your club's hospitality is the number of club members you can have.

The other skills all give a bonus to your club members' stats. This number will vary based on each individual member's stats, level, and the club's skill level. 


These skills are very expensive to upgrade with a maximum level of 50/50. You can see a list of the pricing lower on this page, or you can click here.

Club Members

If you click on the "Members:" tab under Club Talents, the box will flip and reveal a list of your members. There is also an option to send out a club message in the in-game email to all of your members and to invite a new member by typing in their username, level, and a message if you want. You can go back to your club skills and club talents by clicking on the "Popularity" tab.

Presidents also have the option to kick members or change their role. 

hydras club members.png

​Hovering over members will show you their activity, donations, when they joined the club, and more!

hovering over member.png

Club Cash Box

The "Club cash box" is where all donations from members go to. These donations can be used to upgrade club skills, buy tomatoes and eggs, start club fights, and activate club talents.

club cash box.png

Eggs and Tomatoes

Eggs and tomatoes are useful during club fights, both for attacks and defsenes. They weaken your opponents at random to increase your chances of winning!

They can only be purchased by the president or the vice president(s) and cost 3 diamonds per tomato and 3 emeralds per egg.

buying tomatoes and eggs.png
buying tomatoes and eggs 2.png

Eggs decrease one stat of a player from the opponent's club to zero while tomatoes decrease all of a player's stats from the opponent team by 30% during club fights.


Club Fights

More coming soon!

challenge a club.png

Fashion Show

All the members of the club work together to complete 50/50 items. On the right, you can click an item every 2 hours to activate it. On the left, you can see a list of those who have helped and how many items have been activated. 

When all 50/50 have been activated, your club cash box will receive dollars and emeralds.

fashion show clubs.png

Chat, Description, and Club Log

The chat is a chat for all club members to send messages of up to 250 characters in. This chat can only be viewed by PC players, so my club uses it for Selene to send links.

pc club chat.png

The description is the description of the club that all players of the game can view. The president and vice president can edit this description and include up to 250 characters. My club has our slogan, a link to our website, and some basic rules and information. This description uses the same formatting rules as feed messages or your in-game email.

pc description club chat.png

The chat log is the running log of your club. It includes all donations, fashion shows, skill upgrades, new members, and club purchases.

pc club log club.png

Club Talents

Club talents give your club a talent/bonus. They can only be activated by the president or the vice president(s). The cost comes from your cash box, the more you use a talent, the pricier it gets. All talents, besides the trophy thief, apply to all members of the club.

club talents menu.png

Here is a slideshow including all of the talents and what they do. Please take note that the prices will be different, depending on how many times you've activated them.

Club Skills Pricing

Club skills give a boost to your stats as well and the number of members you can have! Learn more about them higher up on this page, or you can click here.


Skills can only be upgraded by the President and Vice Presidents. The chart below will give you information on the amounts needed to upgrade. This money will come from the club Cash Box that all members help contribute to. The total cost for maximizing ONE skill is $33,404100, 9,975 emeralds, and 2,325 diamonds.

Upgrading club skills by level.png
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