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Our club is relaxed compared to many strong clubs, but we still want participation!

If you break a rule, you receive a strike. Strikes reset on the first day of each month.

If you receive three strikes in one month without reason, you may be kicked.

As well, 20+ days of inactivity without notice increases your chances of being kicked.


When you join a club, you agree to its rules.

If you do not, you simply find a better-suited club.






[If you know you will be breaking a rule in advance] Let us know in advance. If you will be missing more than a week, try to donate the required amount before leaving. For example, a vacation or a big test for school.


[If you were unable to foresee something happening] Please let us know as soon as you are able to get online again. An example includes a family member passing away.


Our staff is very understanding.

If you want to remain in the club and have a legitimate reason as to why you are having troubles lately (mental health, family, moving, etc.) just please let us know! You don't have to be specific, but how are we supposed to help and support you if we don't know what we are supporting?


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