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Our staff consists of our President and our Vice Presidents. We have taken on responsibilities and tasks to help our members grow to be a valuable part of our club.

In different situations, you will come to different members of our staff who will be there to help you. View our tasks here and if you have any questions, you may click on the buttons to be brought to our profiles.



✦ Club President: Horsey is the club president and takes care of all the responsibilities that go along with the job. She organizes club battles, keeps track of and gives out strikes (with some help from the other staff), kicks members when needed, sends out reminders, and more.

✦ Guidance Counselor: Horsey is responsible for the well-being of all our club members. If you are stressed, worried, having a conflict with other club members, or anything else, go to her for help. If need be, she will give strikes/kick members who are trying tear down the family unlike they should.

✦ Contests Manager: Horsey arranges all forms of club contests and takes care of all the responsibilities that may come with them. If you have questions about contests, come to her.

✦ Club Website Editor: Horsey edits the website to make sure that everything is updated and that players in and outside our club can find out a bit about our community and decide to join us.



✦ President Substitute: if Horsey needs to take a break, leave the game, etc., Candy will become president and take over her responsibilities. The other vice presidents will also step up to help with Candy's current responsibilities.

✦ Club Website Editor: Candy helps edits the website to make sure that everything is updated and that players in and outside our club can find out a bit about our community and decide to join us. 
✦ Advertising Agent: Candy looks for possible new members to join our lovely family and sends out a message to them, inviting them to join The Hydras. 

✦ Monthly Family Contests: Candy hosts the Monthly Family Contests, hosted by our club! View this page for any further information.

✦ Birthday Card Creator: Candy creates the birthday cards you can find on our birthdays page.

✦ Question Answerer & More: Candy also helps out wherever she can when asked. If you have a question about our club or rules, you can come to her. Candy also helps Horsey write down stats at the end of each month. She may also start club battles when needed and fill any gaps.



✦ Donations and Battle Manager: Selene counts up how much everyone donated throughout the week and will let Horsey know who met the requirement, who met it partially, and who did not meet it at all.
✦ Journalist: Selene creates the club newspaper! It summarizes the events that have taken place every month.

​✦ Club Website Editor: Selene helps edit the website to make sure that everything is updated and that players in and outside our club can find out a bit about our community and decide to join us. 
✦ Question Answerer & More: Selene also helps out wherever she can when asked. If you have a question about our club or rules, you can come to her. Selene also helps Horsey write down stats at the end of each month. She may also start club battles when needed and fill any gaps.




Donations and Battle Assistant: Prìma helps Selene count up how much everyone donated throughout the week and will let Horsey know who met the requirement, who met it partially, and who did not meet it at all.
✦ Question Answerer & More: Prìma also helps out wherever she can when asked. If you have a question about our club or rules, you can come to her. Prìma also helps Horsey write down stats at the end of each month. She may also start club battles when needed and fill any gaps.



(All of our amazing members as well as our actual staff)

Note: members themselves are not a part of our staff team.

✦ Donations: donate at least $10,000 and 2 emeralds once a week from Monday to Sunday according to server time.
✦ Battle: participate in the club battle started from Friday to Saturday server time.
✦ Follow rules: follow the rules of the club as well as Lady Popular rules.
✦ Be polite: be there for each other. We are a family here, don't bring each other down.

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